Cutting The Cords – Welcome to the Wireless Revolution!

Wireless technology is revolutionizing our lives. Imagine a world where boundaries and physical limitations are virtually nonexistent. A world where you can exist seamlessly in multiple places at the same time. Imagine being able to communicate with anyone, anywhere, at anytime without ever having to get out of bed or even utter a word out loud. Imagine having the ability to telepathically communicate with others. The year is 2015 and this is the world we live in; it’s the world of wireless. Welcome to the revolution!

The rise of technology.

The dawn of modern communications technology ushered in a new age for humanity. The world suddenly got much smaller. In 1863 Edward A. Calahan revolutionized the stock market with the invention of the stock ticker, highlighting for everyone the importance of electronic communication. Then in 1876 Alexander Graham Bell gave us the telephone and physical boundaries between people started dissolving. Radios meant instant communication with with thousands of people around the world at the same time. Then we created televisions, then computers, then the all mighty internet came along.

The combination of information and technology is called telecommunications, and telecommunications is by far one of the sharpest weapons humanity has ever forged. With this powerful new tool in our toolbox – telecommunications – humanity was able to rapidly make unprecedented technological advancements in nearly every way imaginable. Except we were still plugged into the wall.

Human beings are a very mobile species. Sure, we’ve come a long way since the times of hunter-gatherers, but we still require a certain amount of flexibility in our daily lives. Naturally, being permanently tethered to the wall for communications began to be seen as a huge burden. Something needed to be done. We needed to cut the cords.

Setting the world free.

The idea of taking telecommunications capabilities wireless was the spark that lit the powderkeg in terms of technological innovation. Boom! Cell phones, laptops, PDAs, the technology seemed to advance exponentially almost overnight. And the advancements kept happening night after night. Wireless technology had effectually cut the cords and set the world free.

Desktop computers became laptops, and LANs became WANs. Wall phones became smartphones, and congested telephone poles became Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS). All around the world, people are continually upgrading their technology. With wireless technology we are fundamentally transforming how we experience and interact with information, as well as with each other.

Freedom isn’t free, and progress comes with a cost

Of course the revolution isn’t over yet, not by a long shot. In the fight against technological immobility, the battle has just begun. Cell phones continue to advance and take on new roles in our lives. WANs and DASs need to be upgraded to handle the increasing traffic and offer the required bandwidth. Soon we’ll have to make room for things like driverless vehicles, quantum computing, and holographic virtual reality interfaces. All of these things are only made possibly through a strong and reliable telecommunications infrastructure.

This is an unprecedented moment in the history of, well, everything. By creating, using and improving on this amazing technology we have become something the universe has never seen before. An entity starting to distinguishing itself and separate from the maelstrom of natural existence. A true force to be reckoned with. But with this great power comes great responsibility. And with great responsibility comes a strong call to action.

Quality infrastructure is the key to success

With all of this technological advancement comes the requirement for improved infrastructure. This progression is happening at such a rapid pace that our IT systems infrastructure currently needs to be replaced every 3-5 years, just to keep up with demands and achieve a significant ROI. More users are constantly joining the system, technology is becoming more complex, systems are becoming more flexible and more capable, upgrades need to be made.

As a society, we truly are only as strong as our weakest link. In the realm of technological improvement it’s all for one and one for all. By acting together and regularly upgrading our telecommunications infrastructure to optimize our systems for current and future developments in wireless technology we can do amazing things both for ourselves, for our businesses, and for the advancement of our society.

Improving your wireless infrastructure

Since the dawn of the modern telecommunications era, Telecom Infrastructure Corp has been carefully crafting a reputation of excellence in the New York area, and even worldwide. When it comes to wireless telecommunications systems design, installation and testing, Telecom Infrastructure Corp is the #1 trusted name in the business. Their outstanding dedication to comprehensive project management, attentive customer service, and quality craftsmanship makes Telecom the best choice for all of your telecommunications needs. They truly are “fantastic physical fabricators of phenomenal global IT systems” that are guaranteed to meet and exceed your expectations.

Staying up-to-date with the revolution

The field of wireless telecommunications is constantly changing and evolving. Keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and finding quality information on the wireless industry is important but it can also be difficult to find a credible source. Cutting The Cords is a blog series that will provide accurate in-depth information on all aspects of this rapidly changing industry. From breakdowns of specific wireless systems and how they work, to the historical development of the technology, Cutting The Cords will cover it all. Tune in next week for an introduction to Distributed Antenna Systems.

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