Penguin Technology Refresh Project

Penguin Technology Refresh Project

Client: Penguin, one of the largest English-language trade book publishers for adults and children in the world
Location: Penguin headquarters at 375 Hudson Street in downtown Manhattan

Project overview

The infrastructure upgrade involved a multi-phased IT equipment refresh and communications cable upgrade to an industry-leading Berktek/Ortronics NetClear engineered high frequency Category 6 structured wiring system. To prevent any loss of productivity, this project required meticulous planning, constant oversight and superior project management. Implementation was overseen by one of Telecom’s BICSI-Registered Telecommunications Project Managers (RTPM).


Limited pathways and spaces demanded strict and careful planning for a “Hot Cutover” environment to protect against the loss of employee productivity. The project demanded rapid installation of well over 500,000 feet of high quality Berk-Tek LANmark 1000 cable. The existing legacy horizontal wiring was complemented with new wiring until a flash cutover took place, thereby allowing the legacy wiring to be removed. The hot cutovers were conducted flawlessly with 0% downtime and 100% employee satisfaction.


  • Implemented more than 1,300 information management outlets IMOs.
  • Four floors of technology refresh including eight telecommunications rooms (TRs) and one main technology equipment room (MTER).
  • Installation of segregated network to support a state-of-the-art media center for podcasts, recording studio and live interview booths.
  • Located sterile pathways to complement any future multi-media connectivity high frequency needs. The system is engineered to accommodate customer needs and future retrofits and it’s high-speed connectivity features are capable of delivering speeds of up to 10 billion bits per second.
Our Services
Our unique Design Build Connect process means we take ownership of the project from conception to connection.
Wireless & Cellular
Structured Cabling
Professional Services
Audio/Visual Systems
Access Control & Camera Systems